Spay Ohio, a program of Pet Alliance, is now assisting the public in locating local, low cost spay/neuter resources for their pets or the strays in their neighborhood

Your Donation to Spay Ohio will help fund spay/neuter costs for animals that have guardians that cannot afford the full low cost spay/neuter costs or for animals that have no guardians.

•  Support Pet Alliance By Shopping at our Store!

Show your love for pets and buy an Ohio Pet License Plate!


Stop The Killing By Stopping The Birthing!

Click Here : ASPCA Low Cost Spay Neuter Resource by Zip Code


Cincinnati Area Spay/Neuter Resources

Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinics open to the Public


UCAN Low Cost Spay Neuter Clinic on W. 8th St near downtown Cincinnati.Cat Spay or Neuter – $35.00 and Dog Spay or Neuter – $60 to $75 For more details, check or call to make an appointment: (513) 721-7387 (PETS).



Low cost spay/neuters $40 pre-registered, FERAL CATS = $20.00,

FREE Vaccines! To register go to NEUTER SCOOTER! (Cats ONLY)  Check their web site, to register. 

MASH mobile clinic will be in Cincinnati (Silverton area) Call to pre-register 513-561-6274 (MASH). Spays = $40 / Neuters = $30

National Spay/Neuter Resources

  • SPAY/USA is the world’s largest clearinghouse of information about spay/neuter services, with over 900 participating programs and clinics nationwide.
  • The Humane Society of the United States is the nation’s largest and most powerful animal protection organization, working in the United States and abroad to defend the interests of animals. 

Please send spay/neuter resources to us at


Your contribution will support the spay/neuter of cats and the education of our community about the euthanasia of healthy, homeless cats and dogs in shelters in the Cincinnati area. Pet Alliance is a 501(c)(3) organization and therefore all donations are tax-deductible.

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For your convenience we accept donations via PayPal. Click the button below to be part of the solution in our community.


Support the sterilization of companion animals in Ohio by purchasing an Ohio Pet license plate.

Ohio Pet Fund License Plate Image

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Pet Alliance, Inc.
Ensuring Good Homes for All Homeless Cats and Dogs